February Photo Challenge – Day Twelve

Almost half way through the month and my posts are getting shorter. Let’s try get this to a decent size!

I do have a few extra things I need to share with you guys but they will be in the next few days.

Rightio, on to today’s topic. It’s a pretty easy one really if you think about it but also difficult to get the right shot if you’re a beginner like me and don’t know how to compose shots and elements easily.

Today is all about technology.

Have a look around you right now; it is everywhere. It is one of the fastest evolving “things” in the world. As I type this, WordPress technicians are improving the technology in this website. Toshiba are bringing out newer laptops than the one I’ve just bought (and am typing on now). It wouldn’t surprise me if Apple are designing their iPhone 6.

Trying to photography technology itself was somewhat a difficult feat because I wanted the photo to look good, rather than just be a photo of my computer or iPhone.

Didn’t get very far though.


So it is a photo of my Toshiba laptop and iPhone. I was also using my stereo whilst photographing so thought, why not add that into the mix. I did get a little creative with my graphics calculator from year 12 math methods. *NERD*

Enjoy the rest of your evening/day and keep an eye out for some new beginnings that are unfolding! 🙂

C. x

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I really love comments and feedback!